Wellness Resources



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Our mission is to help individuals achieve optimal health and vitality by restoring balance to their body's systems. become a client and join our membership Hub.


Aromatherapy: Lemon Oil

Explore lemon oil's refreshing and purifying benefits, a must-have for natural wellness enthusiasts.

Essential oils

Aromatherapy: Lavender Oil

Dive into the soothing world of lavender oil and its myriad of therapeutic uses for mind and body relaxation.


Steps to Better Health

Embark on a journey towards improved health with practical and easy-to-follow steps tailored to your wellness needs.



Cell Communication

Unlock the secrets of how our cells 'talk' to each other, paving the way for profound wellness insights!


Geopathic Stress

Explore how Earth's energies impact your health and find practical solutions to shield yourself from geopathic stress.


EMFs Debra Davis on 5G

Dive into Debra Davis's insights on 5G technology and its implications for health in our ever-connected world.

cell communication

Wound Healing

Discover natural and effective strategies for accelerating the body's own wound healing processes.



Bioresonance demystified: Learn how this cutting-edge approach can harmonise your body's frequencies for better health.


Allergy Therapy with Bioresonance

Explore bioresonance: A scientifically-grounded method to understand and alleviate allergic reactions holistically.


Bioresonance: Long Term Illness Therapy

We are empowering insights and holistic approaches to manage and thrive despite long-term health challenges.

EMFs pollution

EMF Checklist PDF

Stay safe from EMF exposure with our easy-to-follow checklist, ensuring a healthier living and working environment.


5 EMF Causes

Uncover the top five sources of EMF in your daily life and learn how to reduce their impact on your wellbeing.


EMF Protection

Scalar Energy and EMF – What You Need To Know EMF Dangers, EMF Health Risks, EMF Protection


can you block EMFs

The EMF protection community some who say that the only way to protect ourselves from EMF is by blocking it. Is that possible?


HSC Protection Smart Card

5G, 4G, 3G, E - Protection Study affects on the Human body


EFT Tapping chart

Meridian Guide Points

Master the art of EFT with our detailed guide on meridian points, enhancing your emotional and physical health.


Safety Script

Ensure a safe and effective EFT practice with our expertly crafted safety script, tailored for all skill levels.


7 Things EFT Helps With

Discover the seven key areas where EFT can significantly impact your life, from stress to chronic pain.

EFT Tapping

Tapping Script

Follow our step-by-step tapping script to easily integrate EFT into your daily routine for stress relief and more.


Meridian Clock

Learn how to use the meridian clock to optimise your EFT practice for maximum health benefits.

tapping tree

Tapping Tree

Discover the roots of emotional wellness with The Tapping Tree, a comprehensive guide to mastering EFT for lasting health.


Peta Stapleton Research 2022

Delve into the latest findings from Peta Stapleton's 2022 research, revealing groundbreaking insights in EFT and its effectiveness.


what are Circadian Rythms

Light and dark have the biggest influence on circadian rhythms, but food intake, stress, physical activity, social environment, and temperature also affect them.